Are Chapati And Curd a Good Meal For My Dog?

Are Chapati And Curd a Good Meal For My Dog?

Chapatis are a staple of an Indian household. So, it is obvious for us to think that chapatis would work for our dog as well. 

However, if you are thinking of feeding wheat flour chapatis to your dog, you’ll need to re-consider. Wheat is gluten and it doesn’t suit dogs. Initially, you will find that your dog is healthy. But in the long run, eventually, it might cause issues. Instead of a wheat chapati, you can feed him chapatis made of gluten-free food like millets or quinoa.

Secondly, a dog’s meal should be nutritionally dense. Although curd is good for gut health, it shouldn’t form a large part of the meal. You can consider it as an additive but not the whole meal itself. 

The complete meal should balance all the important nutritional requirements of the dog. It will depend on a lot of things like your dog’s age, breed, lifestyle, medical conditions, etc. If you want to get a custom nutrition plan for your dog, you can get it here.